Friday, July 17, 2009

Fergie MU Batal ke Jakarta Demi Pemain

Pengeboman di Jakarta mengejutkan skuad Manchester United yang baru mendarat di Malaysia. Manajer MU Sir Alex Ferguson pun menyebut pembatalan kunjungan ke Indonesia adalah jalan terbaik.

MU dijadwalkan bakal melawat ke Jakarta untuk menghadapi Indonesia All-Star hari Senin (20/7/2009) depan. Ini adalah bagian dari tur Asia MU yang juga termasuk kunjungan ke Malaysia, Korea Selatan dan China.

Pada prosesnya, kunjungan tersebut dipastikan batal setelah adanya aksi bom di hotel JW Marriot dan Ritz Carlton. Hotel yang disebut terakhir sejatinya disiapkan menjadi tempat Ryan Giggs cs menginap nanti.

"Ini mengejutkan buat kami semua. Kami mendengar kabar itu ketika mendarat," tukas Fergie dalam konperensi pers di Kuala Lumpur, sebagaimana dikutip Reuters, Jumat (17/7/2009).

"Tak ada jalan lain (selain dibatalkan) karena kami harus melindungi para pemain kami. Jadi itu adalah keputusan yang tepat," demikian manajer asal Skotlandia tersebut. ( krs/a2s )

Friday, July 17, 2009

Dikhawatirkan MU Batal Hadir

Musibah ledakan yang melanda dua hotel berbintang di kawasan Mega Kuningan Jakarta benar-benar mengundang rasa prihatin bangsa, tak terkecuali juga bagi Miss Indonesia tahun 2007, Kamidia Radisti. Gadis kelahiran 23 Februari 1984 ini mengaku kaget saat mengetahui kejadian tersebut lewat acara BREAKING NEWS di salah satu stasiun televisi.
"Pastinya saya ikut prihatin, apalagi Mega Kuningan adalah kawasan yang cukup sering saya lewati. Tapi karena belum ada kepastian apakah ini murni ledakan atau ada bom yang disengaja, jadi kita berdoa aja semoga semua segera terkuak dan tidak membuat masyarakat jadi was-was," katanya.


Dihubungi via telepon oleh, Disti juga menghubungkan masalah ledakan ini dengan klub sepak bola Manchester United yang punya jadwal berkunjung ke Indonesia beberapa hari lagi.
"Ya apalagi Senin (20/7) kan mau ada MU. Pasti banyak pihak yang jadi takut kalau sampai MU nggak jadi datang," ujarnya.
Sampai sejauh ini, pihak Kepolisian memang belum memastikan penyebab ledakan yang terjadi di Hotel JW Marriot dan Ritz Carlton. Namun, masyarakat yang dikejutkan oleh insiden tersebut tampaknya sudah mulai panik. Disti hanya berdoa semua bisa kembali seperti sedia kala.
"Melihat banyaknya korban, berarti ini adalah ledakan yang cukup besar di lokasi yang strategis. Alhamdulillah sampai sekarang belum ada kabar tentang teman atau saudara saya yang jadi korban," tuturnya.
"Ya semoga masyarakat tidak dibuat panik dan kegiatan bisa berjalan normal," harap Disti. (kpl/ito/boo)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Pelaku Pemboman Hotel Ritz Carlton

Pelaku peledakan bom di Hotel JW Marriot dan Ritz Carlton Mega Kuningan Jakarta diduga merupakan tamu yang menginap di kedua hotel itu.

Seorang pejabat Istana Presiden yang tidak disebutkan namanya usai menengok lokasi kejadian Jumat siang mengatakan pihak Kepolisian telah mengantongi dugaan pelaku tersebut.


"Dari kamera CCTV diduga pelaku adalah tamu hotel yang menginap dan meletakkan bom di kedua hotel itu dan pergi meninggalkan lokasi. Polisi sudah mengantongi data dugaan pelaku," kata sumber itu.

Menurut sumber itu, dari penyisiran polisi masih ditemukan satu buah bom yang belum meledak di Hotel JW Marriot.

"Ini peledakan bom yang sudah sangat terencana, karena berhasil melewati pengamanan di kedua hotel yang sangat ketat, karena JW Marriot sudah pernah dibom," kata purnawirawan TNI AD ini..

Menurutnya, motif pemboman masih terus diselidiki pihak berwajib, namun dia membantah dugaan motif terkait hasil pemilu presiden 8 Juli lalu.

"Sepertinya ini tidak terkait pilpres, rugi kalau lawan SBY menyerang dengan meledakkan bom yang memakan korban jiwa ini," katanya.

Sampai saat ini diketahui bom yang meledak di kedua hotel pada pukul 7.40 WIB ini telah menelan korban jiwa 9 orang dan sekitar 42 orang luka-luka dan dirawat di berbagai rumah sakit di sekitar Kuningan.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ledakan Bom Ritz Carlton

Korban ledakan bom Hotel Ritz Carlton dan JW Marriott, Mega Kuningan, Jakarta, sudah mulai berdatangan di Rumah Sakit Jakarta, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman.

Petugas Instalasi Gawat Darurat RS Jakarta Safrudin mengatakan, Setidaknya 10 korban telah dilarikan ke rumah sakit itu. "Mereka dalam kondisi luka parah, luka sedang, dan luka ringan," kata dia melalui sambungan telepon, Jumat 17 Juli 2009.

Hingga kini korban juga masih berdatangan ke rumah sakit itu. Paling tidak dua orang dinyatakan meninggal dalam peristiwa itu.

Dua bom meledak dalam waktu hampir bersamaan di dua hotel yang telaknya berdekatan. Pukul 07.40 Bom meledak di Hotel JW Marriott, sedangkan di Hotel Ritz Carlton bom meledak pada pukul 07.42.


Monday, July 13, 2009

Hiking With Your Family

You may have been hiking for years, but then you got married and had children, and now you just don't think that its for you. You couldn't be more wrong. Hiking with your family is one of the greatest ways you can spend time with your spouse and children. It is a wonderful way to spend a day, instill in your children a love of nature and physical fitness. There are some things that you need to know though to have the best time possible.

Know everyone's limitations! This applies even when you are hiking with only adults, however it is even more important when you are with kids. Children can begin hiking around the age of three. Strollers do not work well because of uneven terrain, however, you can use a baby back pack to carry your child on your back. This will allow you to go wherever you would like with little difficulty. When you hike with children, there is a great emotional strain, but the physical exertion will and should be at a minimum. Kids are smaller and have shorter legs, and shorter attention spans. They will not be able to hike for miles right off the bat. Start at small and work your way up to longer more difficult hikes. By starting them young, your kids will have a wonderful lifetime of hiking ahead of them.

Hiking is a great time to teach your children about respecting nature and conservation. Be a good role model by leaving the environment as you found it one your hikes. Don't pick flowers or move wildlife, if your children start to, explain why they shouldn't so they don't feel that they are just being scolded.

Make sure you have sufficient supplies for your trip. Large amounts of water and some high protein and carbohydrate snacks are necessary for your voyage. Kids will need snacks throughout the day to keep their energy up and their emotions stable. Everyone in the family should have good shoes, either hiking boots are sturdy sneakers for the trip. Thick socks (preferably hiking) are important, having a 2nd pair for each child will help if their feet get sweaty or wet during the hike.

Hiking with your children is one of the most fulfilling ways you can create family memories. They will learn to love nature and physical activity and will have fond memories for the rest of their lives.

Sydney Garrison is an avid cyclist and sports enthusiast. She is also a partner in an online bike carrier store.

Article Source:

Monday, July 13, 2009

Why Choose Hi Fi Amplifiers For Your Home Audio System?

Hi fi, or high fidelity, audio systems can offer a level of sound quality that's hard to match. Those available currently vary from relatively simple systems that provide high quality sound reproduction but not much in the way of filters to complicated hi fi amplifier systems that also allow sound editing, surround sound, and much more. Pricing for this kind of system is much better than it once was, and we can get truly high quality performance for a relatively small investment.

Hi fi systems are generally categorized into three types - micro, mini and midi, with midi systems running the largest. These may include extras like multiple disk playing and many different control options. Hi fi amplifiers are also found in the next size down, which has a similar feature set but a much smaller footprint. Micro hi fi audio systems are much smaller and less powerful, but easier to transport (good for apartment dwellers) and more convenient if you live in a small space.

Remember that no matter what size your hi fi amplifiers and the rest of the system may be, you'll need to keep an eye on price. Suspiciously low priced systems should be avoided, since they lack performance and durability. There are all kinds of brands and wattages to choose from, and multiple playable formats are usually supported. Many hi fi systems can handle MP3 formats and other digital music files, as well as traditional formats. Any good hi fi system should offer this option.

All systems will be made up of the playback device, a set of Hi Fi Amplifiers and a quality set of speakers. These audio systems can just be for music, or, with the right setup, can be part of a great home theater as well. Look for a full range of speakers, including tweeter, bass, mid range speaker and subwoofer, if you're trying to get the best results. After all, a good hi fi amplifier and a good disc player don't make much difference if you don't have a nice set of speakers to go with them.

It doesn't take all that much to put together a good home audio system anymore. Prices have come way down and technology has advanced significantly, with great options available from many brands. Choose a quality CD or DVD player, a good hi fi amplifier set, and speakers that can hold up their end of the bargain to make your media experience a much better one. There are all kinds of options available online from all kinds of brands, so take the time to check them out today. You might be surprised.

Enzo Vullo,

Article Source:
